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 Accepts CreditCard and DebitCard transactions

You do not need a PayPal account. However, if you do not have an account, you cannot exceed $2000.00 per transaction due to protection restrictions. If you do have an account, there is no limit of payment.  You may need to request a spending limit increase with your bank if your debit card retains a daily limit.

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When you are ready to pay simply click and pay using a credit card. Even if you do not have a pay pal account you can pay. Up to $2000.00 per transaction if you do not have a pay pal account. If you do have a account you can pay as much as you need. It is free to open a Pay Pal account. It could take up to three days for your account to become active, it is safe, fast, and free!


               links: Contact usRoofing shinglesRoof Maintenance, "My roof looks dirty", Flat roofing